Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

ICT2 #002-- by Lime

ICT2 #002-- by Lime

Next is Khao! 

ICT2 #001-- by Tonch

ICT2 #001-- by Tonch

Let's kick this thing off.
Next is Lime! 

Introduction and explanations

Welcome to the Interactive Comic Thingamahickey!
This is the second time we've tried this, and I'm not sure how well it'll hang in there, but let's give it a shot and have some fun. For the sake of organization, I'll run down the rules (which look more complex than they really are). A more abbreviated list of the rules can be found on the "about" page.

Feel free to talk with us about it (open to anyone) at the Google Group, follow the comic on Twitter (@thingamahickey), leave a comment on blog posts, or subscribe to the blog's RSS feed if you don't like checking the site manually. If it's easier to discuss it as a group in a different way or on a different service, I'm open to suggestions since everyone uses all sorts of different services.
Also, share it wherever! Just make sure to leave the artist credit on it. We want to make sure nobody's work gets misused. If you're one of the artists on the comic, you can share your submissions however you want (uploading them on a personal site/blog, for instance, although linking back to this comic would help everyone else out!). The idea is that no single person owns this comic; it's a group effort.

Here's how it's gonna work: 
I'll kick off the comic by drawing a few panels that will establish the main character (who will be simple and adaptable enough for anyone). We'll then cycle through a roster of artists to continue the comic in that order one at a time. People can notify me if they want a spot, and I can add them to the list in the order I get the requests. The current roster order will be up on the blog.

This is important, so take note: Submissions do NOT have to be of finished quality. Even sketches are okay, as long as they are readable and the reader is able to understand what is going on.  My reasoning for keeping the requirements low is to encourage participation without forcing people to commit for a long period of time. This way people can participate if they want as long as they have maybe an hour or two to bang out something.

Each person needs to wait until the previous person on the list finishes their part, so it can be continued from there. The submissions, once they are finished (the sooner they get to me, the sooner the next part can start), should be emailed to me (or sent to me somehow) so I can add them to the blog and notify whoever's next. So no jumping the gun on your submissions-- wait until the person before you has their part posted.
  • The deadline is malleable-- we'll start at seven days since the previous part. If someone can't get something in during that time, their spot can be reshuffled to the end of the line and the next person can go. I want to try to keep this moving.
  • If you know you won't have your part in on time, or want to cancel it, or whatever, letting me know about it would be appreciated. This will be pretty lenient time-wise so I'm sure we can always work stuff out.
  • You can submit more than one part, but just don't go twice in a row (this may change depending on how far this idea actually takes off)

The basic guidelines for what each submission should be are:
  • Somewhere around PG content rating; no nudity/gore/hateful or lewd language, and also no religious or political content, or other stuff that might cause a ruckus. Swearing minimal (e.g., "damn" every so often is fine).
  • A page 1 to 6 panels long (or thereabouts), of any quality as long as it is understandable (can be sketches).
  • Comics are the main submissions. (Talk to me if you have an idea for a different but similar visual medium such as animation.) All other media (recordings, music, writing, etc.) welcome for supplementary material.
  • You have to have made it yourself. No recoloring/modifying sprites (but your own totally original sprites are okay), no covering existing songs for music, etc.
  • Original characters only. This isn't fanfiction. However, pop culture REFERENCES are fine.
  • Story direction won't be mandated in most cases, but I may step in to keep it from tarrying or dropping all of its plot points if it's too inconsistent.
  • Can be goofy or serious within the comic's own context.
  • For the sake of consistency, Melody should be the main character of the comic and be in most (but not necessarily all) submissions. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to introduce new supporting characters WHERE APPROPRIATE (i.e. not every page).
  • Characters can be drawn in your preferred style, AS LONG AS they are still recognizable as the same characters. Don't totally change the design of anyone's characters unreasonably.
  • Honor events/characters introduced in the previous person's submission; don't blow them off and ignore their setup.
  • This is a separate story from the original comic starring Angel, and should not have any direct ties to it.

If you're unsure if your page or idea is acceptable, you can contact and discuss it with me. I'd be glad to talk about it!

With all that out of the way, this is our main character, Melody! She was designed by Goldwright, and she'll be the protagonist for this comic. I'll leave this here if anyone needs reference for what she looks like and/or what colors to use for her.

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