For info about the comic, artists, or just to follow along with the posts, keep this blog in mind! You can also subscribe to the RSS feed, join the Google group discussion, or follow the Twitter (@thingamahickey).
A list of artists' links can be found in the sidebar (and also alongside their respective submissions).
Basic Rules:
- One person goes at a time, continues where previous submission left off
- Deadline of seven days after previous submission (let me know if you need more time or want to shuffle to the end of the list-- deadlines are negotiable)
- Submissions do NOT have to be of finished or professional quality
- Take a spot on the list as many times as you want, but don't go twice in a row
- Somewhere around PG content rating; no nudity/gore/hateful or lewd language, no religious or political content, or other stuff that might cause a ruckus. Swearing minimal (e.g., "damn" every so often is fine)
- A page 1 to 6 panels long (or thereabouts), of any quality as long as it is understandable (can be sketches)
- Comics are the main submissions. (Talk to me if you have an idea for a different but similar visual medium such as animation.) All other media (recordings, music, writing, etc.) welcome for supplementary material
- You have to have made it yourself. No recoloring/modifying sprites (but your own totally original sprites are okay), no covering existing songs for music, etc.
- Original characters only. This isn't fanfiction. However, pop culture REFERENCES are fine.
- Story direction won't be mandated in most cases, but I may step in to keep it from tarrying or dropping all of its plot points if it's too inconsistent.
- Can be goofy or serious within the comic's own context.
- Melody should be the main character of the comic and be in most (but not necessarily all) submissions. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to introduce new supporting characters WHERE APPROPRIATE (i.e. not every page). This is a separate story from the previous comic starring Angelo, and should not have direct ties to it.
- Characters can be drawn in your preferred style, as long as they are still recognizable as the same characters. Don't totally change the design of anyone's characters unreasonably.
- Honor events/characters introduced in the previous person's submission; don't blow them off and ignore their setup.